Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Last Light

Hubbards Cove July 31,2012
photo #22

I procrastinated and honestly wouldn't have gone to take this photo if it hadn't been for my husband. Thank you, honey. It truly is the last light of the day. After I took this, I scooted around to the other side of the cove to try for another moon over water shot but it was too late. It's the closest I would have gotten to a full moon shot this month, as the full moon is really tomorrow night, but we'll have cloud cover. Perhaps I should read the instruction book that came with my camera. It probably has a night setting for such occasions.

two moons?

Monday, 30 July 2012

Almost Full Moon Rise

Hubbards Cove July 30, 2012
photo #21

Taken at sunset / moonrise from the waterfront park. I took many photos tonight but this was my favourite. The golden colour in the water on the left is actually a reflection of the setting sun in the windows of the house on the left, then reflected in the water. You can also see the moonlight reflected in the water at the lower edge of the photo and, if you look carefully, you can see a loon swimming midway across the cove.

A mural of the fish plant that used to stand on the site of the waterfront park.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Saturday, 28 July 2012

River View and Farmers Market

Hubbards Cove July 28, 2012
photo #19

Saturday morning and off to the market with my daughter and grand daughter. We stopped in the park to take photos on the way home. Look below for some market photos and a view of the cove from the river. The tide was low so we could stand on the riverbank to throw stones, float leaves and take photos.

The Barn used as a farmers market on Saturday mornings
 Farmers Market extended
River view

After the Rain

Hubbards Cove July 27, 2012
photo #18

Busy day yesterday. Took time to take the photo but not to post so here it is a day late.

Thursday, 26 July 2012


Hubbards Cove July 26, 2012
photo #17

Late afternoon photo taken on my way home. I got as close as I could to the greenery at the end of the park and what should I discover? Ripe, red, raspberries!

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Sunsets and Blue Heron

Hubbards Cove July 25, 2012
photo #16

I waited to take a photo of the cove at sunset, just to capture some different light. To my delight I also caught a blue heron sitting at the water's edge! My husband was with me so we took a drive to a nearby lake, where I took another sunset photo. We are so lucky to live near the ocean and so many lakes too.

Sunset over Mill Lake

Tuesday, 24 July 2012


Hubbards Cove July 24, 2012
photo #15

The clouds are rolling in and rain is finally in the forecast. I find it a welcome change from all the hot, sunny days we've had.

Monday, 23 July 2012


Hubbards Cove July 23, 2012

Feeling gratitude for living in such a beautiful place. On a side note, my photo was taken at the mouth of the cove this morning because I didn't have access to Bishop's Park. The Haven crew are filming today. Haven is a series based on a Stephen King novel. I think it airs on Showtime. This is their 3rd season filming in Hubbards and surrounding area.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Saturday, 21 July 2012

From One End To the Other

Hubbards Cove July 21, 2012
photo #12

If you look at the photo above you can see where I stood to take this one, sort of. I'm standing on the other side of the sailboats, in the waterfront park. Just around the spit of land on the left is Hubbards Beach and the distant land you see, is Fox Point. I meant to get a photo of the Farmers Market this morning to post. Maybe next Saturday.

Friday, 20 July 2012

Deep Sigh

 Hubbards Cove July 20, 2012
photo #11

It's a deep sigh (breathe in and let it out with an "aaahhh") kind of day. Both the temperature and the humidity have dropped significantly. A cool breeze is blowing this morning. I turned 180 degrees to take a photo of the park I mentioned yesterday and the waters of St. Margaret's Bay.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

The Other Side

Hubbards Cove July 19, 2012
photo #10

I decided to take the photo from the opposite side of the cove. Now I'm standing in the Hubbards Community Waterfront Park. This used to be the site of a working fish plant when I was growing up in Hubbards. Then it was empty for a number of years. It was also used as the set for a television series for awhile. Now it has been torn down and the land has been turned into a community park. As you can see from the photo, there are also docking facilities for boats.
I've been thinking that I might take a photo once a week instead of once a day, but maybe I'll continue taking a photo once a day, but take them from different perspectives on the cove.
This is definitely a work in progress. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

3 Hs

Hubbards Cove, July 18, 2012
photo #9

The 3 Hs refer to hot, humid & hoping those clouds are full of rain. Below are some photos, promised yesterday, of Bridgewater Retreat in Tweed, Ontario.Check out their website at www.bridgewaterretreat.ca

A nice place to stay, surrounded by natural beauty. Marie & Steve are most gracious hosts.

A view of the Skootamatta River from the sandy beach. A great place to cool off!

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Back in Hubbards

Hubbards Cove July 17, 2012
photo #8

I missed posting for a few days because I was away. Tomorrow I'll post photos of a lovely place where we stayed in Tweed, Ontario.

Friday, 13 July 2012

First Friday

Hubbards Cove July 13, 2012
photo #7

Lucky Friday the 13th. Have a splendid weekend everyone!

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Morning Haze

Hubbards Cove July 12, 2012
photo  #6

This hazy cloud cover is really some high, coastal fog which Environment Canada forecasts will burn off, leaving us with a hot & humid day.
Is anyone else bothered by that tall sprig of greenery on the left side of the foreground? I've considered taking my pruning shears with me and lopping it off. I've also considered that it's growing on church property. Then again it may qualify with in the jurisdiction of the high tide line. Hhhmm? Without out it there you could see more of the water, which appeals to me. Then again it may die off when the seasons change. Perhaps I won't interfere with Mother Nature after all.
On another note, I really appreciate those you who are checking out my new blog and those who have taken time to comment. I've tried to respond to comments made, without success. My learning curve is great but I will get it one of these days. In the meantime, keep visiting and keep commenting. I do appreciate it!

Wednesday, 11 July 2012


Hubbards Cove July 11, 2012

Another spectacular weather day here in Hubbards. The beach goers are happy but the forests are not. We're in the high risk category for forest fires and no rain in sight. Please take care.
This morning I was out early doing errands so I took my camera along to take my daily pic. On my drive by the cove I noticed how still the water was as the mouth of the cove so I decided to take my photo from there today. I chose a spot, went to ready the camera but it wouldn't turn on. I had left the memory card in the computer from yesterday's posting.I practice remaining open to messages sent from the universe daily and I received this as two messages. One: to continue taking the photos from a consistent place and two: to go home and walk to the head of the cove, which I did. It was lovely!
You can see the stillness of the water if you look at the upper, right portion of the cove. Since I walked, I was in a slower frame of mind and took a few other photos along the way. I'll share them below.

This is where I stand to take the photos every day. Usually on the rock that is second from the right but today I stood on one of the stone stools just in front of that big rock. This is a little park called Bishop's Park along the river that runs into the cove. Keeping scrolling!

The Fitzroy River

 Wild roses are in bloom everywhere right now. These were on the bank of the Fitzroy. Notice the bee... I love bees.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012


Hubbards Cove July 10, 2012
photo #4

It was another gorgeous day here in Hubbards. Unfortunately I spent most of the day in "the city" (Halifax). This was taken late afternoon on my way home. It's the first photo taken at that time of day so you'll notice the light coming from the opposite side.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Blue sky day

Hubbards Cove July 9, 2012
photo #3

Low tide, morning.
I tried a new camera setting today. Wide angle for that gorgeous, blue, not a cloud in it, sky!

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Beautiful Sunny Sunday

Hubbards Cove July 8, 2012
photo #2

The title says it all. Maybe I should zoom in a bit so there's more of the cove and less of the foreground. I like that bush with the pink flowers on it though and it will be interesting to watch it change as well. TTFN! So many things to do on this beautiful, sunny Sunday.

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Welcome to my blog

Hubbards Cove July 7, 2012
photo #1

This blog is inspired by my best friend, Loriann, who gave me a crash course in blogging last night. Let's see how much info I've retained. It's also inspired by Mother Nature, specifically Hubbards Cove, where I live. It's my intention to take this same photo everyday for the next year to view the changes that take place on "the cove".
Today, when I arrived to take my first photo, there was a professional photographer standing in the very place I had chosen in my mind to do this work. He was taking wedding photos of a couple who were standing on a wharf along the cove. I went to do some errands and returned later.
Here we go!