Hubbards Cove July 11, 2012
Another spectacular weather day here in Hubbards. The beach goers are happy but the forests are not. We're in the high risk category for forest fires and no rain in sight. Please take care.
This morning I was out early doing errands so I took my camera along to take my daily pic. On my drive by the cove I noticed how still the water was as the mouth of the cove so I decided to take my photo from there today. I chose a spot, went to ready the camera but it wouldn't turn on. I had left the memory card in the computer from yesterday's posting.I practice remaining open to messages sent from the universe daily and I received this as two messages. One: to continue taking the photos from a consistent place and two: to go home and walk to the head of the cove, which I did. It was lovely!
You can see the stillness of the water if you look at the upper, right portion of the cove. Since I walked, I was in a slower frame of mind and took a few other photos along the way. I'll share them below.
This is where I stand to take the photos every day. Usually on the rock that is second from the right but today I stood on one of the stone stools just in front of that big rock. This is a little park called Bishop's Park along the river that runs into the cove. Keeping scrolling!
The Fitzroy River
Wild roses are in bloom everywhere right now. These were on the bank of the Fitzroy. Notice the bee... I love bees.