Saturday, 7 July 2012

Welcome to my blog

Hubbards Cove July 7, 2012
photo #1

This blog is inspired by my best friend, Loriann, who gave me a crash course in blogging last night. Let's see how much info I've retained. It's also inspired by Mother Nature, specifically Hubbards Cove, where I live. It's my intention to take this same photo everyday for the next year to view the changes that take place on "the cove".
Today, when I arrived to take my first photo, there was a professional photographer standing in the very place I had chosen in my mind to do this work. He was taking wedding photos of a couple who were standing on a wharf along the cove. I went to do some errands and returned later.
Here we go!

1 comment:

loriann signori said...

Yay! Congratulations you are on your way!